Router Knowledge Hub

Excel in the Art of Routing

About the studio

Everything you need to know to thrive as a router in the Connext network

Router 101

Getting started

Learn what a router is and how you can become one

What is a Router?

Learn everything you need to know about routers in the Connext network and how they provide liquidity

Router Incentivization

How are routers in the Connext network incentivized and what are they earning revenue for?

Router Requirements

Find out what it takes to become a router in the Connext network and to excel at it

Getting started

Running a Router

Learn how to set up and operate a router

Spinning Up a Router

Step-by-step instructions for setting up and configuring your router in the Connext network

Testing a Router

Once the router is up and running in the Connext network, the next step is to test swaps on it.


Learn more about the REST API that can be used to query information as well as perform sensitive tasks

Resources for Connext Routers

Router Knowledge Hub

Learn everything about operating a router

Deploying Connext Subgraphs from P2P

Learn more about deploying a Connext Subgraph via peer-to-peer with our step-by-step guide

Improve Router Security

Learn more about how to improve router security